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Psoriasis & Psoravit

Psoriasis & Psoravit

Modern medical perspective:

Psoriasis is understood as a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, leading to the rapid growth and accumulation of skin cells. The immune system, for reasons not entirely clear, mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing an accelerated turnover of cells. This results in the formation of thick, red, and scaly patches on the skin’s surface.

Genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute to the development of psoriasis. Certain genes are associated with an increased risk, and triggers such as infections, stress, and certain medications can exacerbate symptoms or lead to the onset of psoriasis in genetically predisposed individuals.

The primary symptoms of psoriasis include raised, inflamed patches covered with silvery-white scales. These patches can appear anywhere on the body but are commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, and face. Itching and discomfort are common, and in some cases, individuals may experience joint pain and swelling, a condition known as psoriatic arthritis.

Modern treatment approaches for psoriasis aim to manage symptoms, reduce inflammation, and slow down the rapid skin cell turnover. Topical treatments, phototherapy, oral medications, and, in some cases, biologic drugs that target specific aspects of the immune system are commonly prescribed.

Ayurvedic perspective:

In Ayurveda, any skin disorder (charam-roga) is classified in general as “Kushtha-Roga”, which in itself, mild to moderate, is of 18 types further categorized under 7 types of “Maha-kushtha” and 11 types of “Kshudra-kushtha”. The name & symptoms of Psoriasis are apparently similar and closely resemble with “Eka-kushtha” (In this type “kushtha”, the skin looks like a fish skin or scaly skin and there is absence of sweating. According to Acharya Sushruta, “Eka-kushtha” is the skin disease in which the affected part of the skin becomes grayish black.) and “Kitibha- kushtha” (In this type of “kushtha”, in which the skin becomes grayish black in colour, rough like a wound or bruised skin. According to Acharya Sushruta, “Kitibha-kushtha” is the disorder, in which the skin becomes oily, grayish black with lot of itching and oozing.) – the two of the various other kinds of “Kshudra-kushtha-rogas”. According to Ayurveda, when “Vata” & “Kapha” doshas get vitiated, they pollute and toxify “Rakta-dhatu” and “Mansa-dhatu”, the symptoms of Psoriasis (“Eka-kushtha” or “kitibha-kushtha”) appear. This also influences water element of the affected region on skin. In some patients, with Pitta prakruti, besides other symptoms, hot flushes may also occur.

Ayurveda also believes that impurities in the blood associated with emotional factors & stress also form the causes of this disorder. Irregular food habits, consumption of foodstuffs with opposite properties, excessive use of yoghurt, black gram, seafood, sour & salted items, alcohol & tobacco consumption etc may aggravate the pathogenesis of Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is the most irritable, stubborn and chronically recurring skin disorder which starts beginning prominent with skin eruptions in any particular part of the external skin. It has varied symptoms like, raised, rough, reddened, vascular, flaky skin covered with silvery scales, with or without, dry or weeping tiny papules. These acute eruptions become chronic with inflammatory process in the true skin, and appear repeatedly in any particular season, but it is believed not to be infectious. The eruptions almost mostly appear around the back of the elbow and the front of the knees. Psoriasis usually begins as tiny papules formed in the skin, each covered with a white cap of scales, which enlarge in breadth till they form patches varying in size. These patches may appear on other parts of the body also, especially the scalp and the face. Psoriasis usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 24 and may persist for life. Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis, as it tends to occur in families.

Self-care & Ayurvedic Tips for Psoriasis

  1. Avoid all factors which may possibly aggravate psoriasis:
  2. Reduce stress levels and maintain levels
  3. Do not prick, peel or scratch skin.
  4. Do not rub the towel vigorously on skin.
  5. Avoid soap or other irritating cleansing measures.
  6. Apply Psoravit ointment liberally on affected areas after drying the skin.
  7. Wear cotton clothes and avoid synthetic fabrics.
  8. Avoid consuming foods of opposite
  9. Never tend to control natural urges like urination, bowel, belching, farting etc.
  10. Avoid cold water bath immediately after a heavy work out, brisk walk etc.
  11. Consume foods which are easily digested. Avoid too much of salty, sour or acidic Avoid sleeping in the afternoons.


 In accordance with Ayurvedic principles, the application of a herbal balm, infused with herbs that balance vata and kapha, is recommended. Psoravit represents an optimal fusion of time-tested herbs, serving as a herbal balm processed with Vata and Kapha balancing herbs.

Each gram of Psoravit Ointment contains:

Oily extract of Cocos nucifera               666.66 mg

processed with

Wrightia tinctoria                                140 mg

Cynadon dactylon                               35 mg

Melia azaderachta                              20 mg

Cinnamomum camphora                      20 mg

Hydnocarpus laurifolia                 0.03 ml

Purified Honey Beeswax base         q.s.

Psoravit ointment has been meticulously processed manually, employing ancient techniques recommended in Ayurvedic texts. Every ingredient in Psoravit Ointment holds exceptional therapeutic properties for psoriasis management and general skin enhancement, ensuring a radiant complexion.

Importantly, Psoravit ointment is entirely devoid of petroleum-based products or any synthetic chemical constituents. The natural Honeybees wax is sourced directly from beehives and combined with extracts of various herbs processed in Oleum Cocos nucifera. This pure and natural Psoravit Ointment is also free from synthetic colors, fragrances, chemicals, or preservatives.

Mode of action:

Psoravit Ointment, with its carefully selected ingredients, exhibits a multifaceted mode of action in managing psoriasis:

  1. Oily Extract of Cocos nucifera (Coconut Oil – 666.66 mg):
    • Emollient Properties: Coconut oil acts as an emollient, forming a protective layer on the skin to prevent water loss and maintain hydration.
    • Moisturization: It deeply moisturizes the skin, addressing dryness and flakiness commonly associated with psoriasis.
  2. Wrightia tinctoria (140 mg):
    • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Wrightia tinctoria possesses anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce inflammation and redness in psoriatic lesions.
    • Antimicrobial Effects: It may offer antimicrobial benefits, supporting the skin in resisting infections.
  3. Cynadon dactylon (Bermuda Grass – 35 mg):
    • Wound-Healing Properties: Bermuda Grass is known for its wound-healing effects, aiding in the natural recovery of the skin.
    • Skin Conditioning: It contributes to skin conditioning, potentially reducing the severity of psoriatic lesions.
  4. Melia azadirachta (Neem – 20 mg):
    • Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Actions: Neem has anti-inflammatory properties that may alleviate inflammation, and its antibacterial effects can help prevent secondary infections.
    • Soothing Effect: It provides a soothing effect on irritated skin.
  5. Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor – 20 mg):
    • Cooling and Soothing: Camphor offers a cooling and soothing sensation, providing relief from itching and discomfort associated with skin inflammation.
    • Analgesic Properties: It may have mild analgesic properties, helping to alleviate pain or discomfort.
  6. Hydnocarpus laurifolia (0.03 ml):
    • Traditional Skin Support: Hydnocarpus laurifolia has been traditionally used for skin-related issues and may contribute to the overall skin-supportive properties of the ointment.
    • Antimicrobial Effects: It may have antimicrobial effects, aiding in preventing infections.
  7. Purified Honey Beeswax Base (Quantity Sufficient):
    • Carrier and Emollient: Beeswax serves as a carrier for active ingredients and provides emollient properties, forming a protective barrier on the skin.
    • Moisture Retention: It helps in retaining moisture, supporting the overall moisturization of the skin.

How to use:

Use and application of Psoravit Ointment is very simple like using any other herbal balm. Apply Psoravit Ointment on the affected lesions, during the scaling stage of Psoriasis once or twice a day.

Side-effect & Contra indications:

Psoravit Ointment has not been associated with any reported side effects or contraindications. In extremely rare instances, individuals may experience mild skin rashes in the affected areas during the initial application. It’s important to note that these mild rashes typically resolve on their own after a few days of consistent use, and there is generally no cause for concern.

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